Friday, December 3, 2010

Unit: 12

In installing the software for the Virtual Machines on windows 7 I really didn't have much difficulty in accomplishing this. Through using the VM for the assignments I found a deeper understanding in the differences in using a CLI versus a GUI.
I would prefer to use a Virtual Machine over a preconfigured server such as Ubuntu as I am feeling comfortable with the CLI in the VM. The most issue with using the command line is that your syntax has to always be exactly correct and there is no room for errors. Of course the visual GUI is more comfortable and faster.
Although, having a pre-configured machine, where as all one had to do is to add the digital collection would be much easier and less complicated. I can see however, if I was in an IT position, in a location where a windows installation previously existed it would be a definite advantage in having a working knowledge of Virtual Machines.
All of this of course depends on the bandwidth being used in the application and how much traffic one is expecting for the repositories in question, in which case I would recommend using a dedicated Linux server.
From a cost perspective I would all in all have to go with the Linux installation to host the repository.
In conclsion, I think that it was very valuable to learn how to build a repository from scratch and will come in handy in my future studies.

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